Author: Talore Ruedt
Cookies & Cocoa with Santa

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Frosty Fun: Winter Games
Thank you to all of the teams that joined us for the cold and rainy Frosty Fun: Winter Games on Sunday!
Congrats to Team Squidward on taking home the win! 🏆
Photography provided by DV Photo Video.
The Duluth Amnesty Program Returns
The City of Duluth Amnesty Program is back! Starting January 8, 2024, if you or someone you know has been living with the weight of FTA warrants or FTA license suspensions, this is a great opportunity to get those taken care of. The program is designed to help individuals resolve their outstanding fines and legal matters by providing options to either pay fines or schedule a court appearance before a judge dispose of their case. Please note: some citations require a mandatory court appearance.
To participate, you can:
- Visit the Duluth Municipal Court at 3276 Buford Highway,
- Call 770.623.2771
- Email
Don’t let the past hold you back – seize this opportunity to make things right and start afresh. The City of Duluth is here to support its community members on their journey to a brighter and more secure future. This program will run through April 30, 2024.
Duluth Dog of the Month: Scooter
Can we hear a round of a-paws for November’s Dog of the Month: Scooter!
Scooter’s humans said he “is a 1-year-old Goldendoodle who absolutely loves playing tug-of-war, eating, and watching doggy YouTube videos. Most importantly, he adores sitting next to his owner all day while she studies for her medical school board exams!” Sounds like if you see this good boy around town you should stop and give him a pet!
For his dedication to helping keep our waterways clean and local ecosystems intact, @tiger_tails_animal_hospital has partnered with us to offer a great prize pack to our Dog of the Month.
Take the pledge and your pup (or pups) may just be featured as our next Dog of the Month!
Howl on the Green 2023
From wicked costumes to devilish fun, Friday’s Howl on the Green event was a villainous blast!
Photography provided by Dustin Grau Photography and DV Photo Video.
Duluth on Tap 2023
The Gigglebark Tree
On Monday, October 16, 2023, the City of Duluth, Georgia embarked on a magical journey as they broke ground for the much-anticipated Playable Art. A testament to community creativity and the spirit of play, this unique project has captured the imagination of residents across Gwinnett County.
In 2022, the City of Duluth invited Gwinnett County residents of all ages to submit drawings of their dream pieces of playable art for the Playground Design Contest. Among the 175+ entries, designs ranged from sea creatures to tree houses, pirate ships to crash-landed satellites, and musical instruments to giant animals. withthe youngest artist to participate being just three years old!
The Duluth Public Art Commission faced a fun yet challenging task of analyzing these submissions and selecting the top nine. The Mayor and Council, used these top nine designs to determine their top three winning selections in July of 2022. Ultimately, the winning design, submitted by Lyn-Nell Huffman, was inspired by a willow tree, and it became the foundation for the creation of the Gigglebark Tree.
The Gigglebark Tree playground is a visually stunning combination of several trees. It boasts the colorful bark of a Eucalyptus, the twisting roots of an Overcup Oak, and the swaying branches of a Willow Tree. What sets this playable art apart is the inclusion of a slide winding around the trunk and a root system with steps and tunnels. To add a touch of enchantment, the willow-like branches will illuminate the playground, creating a magical ambiance for all who visit.
Breaking ground on this extraordinary project was anything but ordinary. In a whimsical turn of events, the Mayor, council members, and other adults in attendance were transformed into kids, celebrating the childlike wonder that the Gigglebark Tree playground promises to inspire.
“Duluth has always been a place where art and play converge. The Gigglebark Tree is a symbol of our commitment to fostering creativity, nurturing our green spaces, and ensuring that all generations can find joy right here in our city” said Mayor Nancy Harris.
The Gigglebark Tree Playground is an extension of the existing Taylor Park playground in Downtown Duluth. While it’s always bittersweet to say goodbye to old trees, some of them had to be removed due to disease, and their tendency to drop branches and pecans, making them unsuitable for a children’s play area. However, the City is committed to maintaining the natural beauty of the area and plans to work with an arborist to plant new, safe trees once the playground is complete.
During the interim period as the new trees grow and provide natural shade, the City will install shade sails around the playable art, ensuring that visitors can enjoy the playground even on the sunniest days.
This exciting project is expected to take a couple of months and is being brought to life by ID Sculpture, a company known for their innovative playground designs.
September’s Dog of the Month: Murphy
Can we hear a round of a-paws for September’s Dog of the Month: Murphy!
Murphy’s humans said. “He is a 3-year-old golden doodle, who loves to play ball and bring his favorite stuffed toy to you. He also loves to snuggle and gets super jealous when he isn’t the center of attention. ” Sounds like if you see this good boy around town you should stop and give him a pet!
For his dedication to helping keep our waterways clean and local ecosystems intact, @tiger_tails_animal_hospital has partnered with us to offer a great prize pack to our Dog of the Month.
Take the pledge and your pup (or pups) may just be featured as our next Dog of the Month!
Undercover Mayor: Parks & Recreation
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at City Hall? Well, wonder no more! The City of Duluth has just launched its newest series, Undercover Mayor, where Mayor Harris goes incognito to learn about the different departments and operations of the city.
In this second episode, Mayor Harris goes undercover with the Parks & Rec Department, pretending to be a Mayor from another city who wants to learn more about how Duluth operates. She’s accompanied by the Jason Rogers, Assistant Director of Recreation, Brandon Davis, Assistant Director of Athletics, and John Keating, Assistant Director of Parks.
The show gives you an inside look at the hard work that goes into keeping Duluth compliant with regulations and standards. Mayor Harris uncovers some surprising issues that the Code Compliance Department is working to address, and it’s eye-opening to see the effort that goes into keeping our city running smoothly.
So, grab your popcorn and tune in to the first episode of Undercover Mayor to see what Mayor Harris discovers in her covert mission. You won’t be disappointed!