The ninth installment of the L.E.A.D. (Learn, Engage, Advance Duluth) Academy is set to begin on February 16, 2017 and will consist of six (6) Thursday evening sessions held from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
There will be one (1) Monday evening session (February 27th) when the class will join the City Council for the regularly scheduled Work Session at 5:30 pm. Sessions will take place at City Hall. Note that light dinner/snacks are provided each week.
Citizens engage when they are armed with good information and L.E.A.D. provides that foundation. You will be empowered to help address community issues when you understand all the possible ways you can help. This program will spark your interest in local issues, provide insight into the decision making process and provide an avenue for participants to help advance the community to a better future.
The deadline for applications is January 27, 2017. For more information and an application go to
Questions? Contact Alisa Williams at or 678-475-3506.