Check out this article in Southwest Gwinnett Magazine about our Chief of Police, Jacquelyn Carruth. It’s a great opportunity to get to know the person behind the badge and learn about her vision for our community’s safety. #DuluthPD
One thoughtful comment
Chief Carruth,
Today, I went to drop off clothing at the Salvation Army on Venture Drive in Duluth. I observed one apparent illegal alien stealing items from the donation container and placing them in his vehicle. Another illegal alien evidently prone sleeping on the property. Items were strewn about the donation area. I called 911.
Chief Carruth,
Today, I went to drop off clothing at the Salvation Army on Venture Drive in Duluth. I observed one apparent illegal alien stealing items from the donation container and placing them in his vehicle. Another illegal alien evidently prone sleeping on the property. Items were strewn about the donation area. I called 911.