At last night’s council meeting, Mayor Harris, Council Member Thomas and Council Member Whitlock presented Kimberly Kelkenberg, wife of the late Kelvin Kelkenberg, with a proclamation proclaiming February 14, 2022 as Kelvin “Kelly” Kelkenberg Day in the CIty of Duluth.

Council Member Kelkenberg was in his 3rd term, having served ten years on City Council when he passed away following a three-year battle with cancer in August of 2021. He was a passionate supporter of all things Duluth and was part of a team that saw the development of Parsons Alley and city-wide growth. He was a mentor and friend to many. His legacy will continue to impact our city for generations to come.

The proclamation reads:
Whereas, Kelvin “Kelly” Kelkenberg served on the Zoning Board of Appeals from 2005-2009 as well as the Planning Commission from 2009-2010. He also participated in and graduated from the Duluth L.E.A.D. program in 2008; and
Whereas, Kelly was elected to and wholeheartedly served on the Duluth City Council from 2011-2021; and
Whereas, Kelly was elected to the Executive Board of the Gwinnett Municipal Association (GwMA) in 2018, serving as Vice President in 2019 and President in 2020, and from whom he received the Leadership and Service Award for exceptional service; and
Whereas, Kelly was appointed to the Gwinnett County Transit Review and Recommendation Committee where, in 2018 and 2019, he helped lead the development of a plan to bring to the citizens for a vote; and
Whereas, Kelly was appointed to the Urban Redevelopment Agency in 2021 to help guide the use of TAD related Bond funds for further enhancement of Duluth’s remarkable downtown; and
Whereas, on numerous occasions, Kelly was called upon for his unique expertise for matters such as helping the City to avoid becoming a victim of cyber-attacks, assisting with the preparation for Tropical Storm Irma and dealing with the complex issues associated with the Covid-19 pandemic; and
Whereas, Kelly regularly participated in the Georgia Municipal Association meetings and activities, including being a member of the Federal Policy Committee and earning a Certificate of Dedication for his training hours; and
Whereas, Kelly was heavily involved in numerous local organizations, giving his time and talent generously; and
Whereas, council members that served with Kelly appreciated his unrelenting commitment to the community; and
Whereas, Kelly was a loving, devoted husband, father, son, grandfather, brother, and friend.
Now, therefore, I, Nancy Harris, Mayor of Duluth, on behalf of the council, citizens and staff of Duluth do hereby recognize February 14, 2022, as Kelvin “Kelly” Kelkenberg Day in the City